Saturday, November 24, 2007

African Adventures...

Our long awaited trip to Africa is about to begin! We'll spend a few days in D.C. visiting friends and family, and then fly via London to Cape Town, South Africa. A friend of a friend has offered to show us around Cape Town, which is certainly a welcome offer. We'll begin our overland truck tour on December 9 in Cape Town. Over the next 45 days, we'll experience the culture and scenery of seven other countries: Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, and Kenya. As frequently as possible, we'll update this site, so that our friends and family can share in our adventures.


The Traveling Backpackers said...

Visit google earth to see a detailed map of Africa.

Junior Ranger said...

This is a great idea. Now we can track you and see if you're really taking this trip, or just sitting in a hot tub somewhere for two months.

Touring Africa is great, or is it just a way to escape the Colorado winter wonderland?

I'm looking forward to learning about your experiences, along with this blog business. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Unknown said...

Hooray, I finally tagged on :)
